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Personal Interest - Tattoos

    I love Tattoos, they are the best way a person can express themselves. I personally have a few tattoos and I love them. Just thinking in a way, our skin can make a great canvas for someone.


   Tattoos can be meaningful or can be something you got with out a secound thought cause you thought it was cool but then later you regeret it.

My first tattoo I got was when I just turned 16. It was a simple tattoo and only took one session about 1-2 hours. It was on both of my wrists, on my right wrist is a crow perched on some thorns. On my left are just thorns. The total cost for me was only $120.

This was my secound tattoo, it's bigger then my last tattoo, This was on out of two session for this peice, this took 5-6 hours. There are roses and thorn covered stems. This session cost me $110 because it was only half done.

This was the other session I went in for, this was to add vaule to the roses. The shading made the roses look from realistic on my arm. This session took another 4-5 hours, so with a totoal or about 9-11 hours or work. The total cost of this tattoo was $220.

This was my thrid tattoo, extending from my second tattoo with more roses and thron covered branches. This tattoo was harder for me to handle because they were tattooing on my elbow and my ditch (The inner elbow). This was another 6 hour job and I only paid $110 again because it's only half done. I plan on getting my tattoo finish at the end of January of 2015.



A tattoo is a form of body modification, made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment.



These are some links to some videos of people receiving tattoos.







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